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What does it take to self-publish your book?

With WC Publishing, you can get from manuscript to book sales faster and easier than you think. We provide you with all the services and personal support you need to fulfill your vision for the book. We don’t use templates or leave you stranded. Call us and let us help you select the right publishing service for your book.


Complete and Sign WC Publishing Contract
You’ll begin the book publishing process by speaking with an author advocate to discuss your project goals. From copy editing to promotional press releases, you have the flexibility to create a custom project plan for the submission, production and promotion of your self-published book.

Submit Your Manuscript
Once you have completed a WC Publishing contract, you can submit your manuscript for self-publishing as an electronic copy on a CD, disk, or as an e-mail attachment. You can also submit your book as a hard-copy manuscript through the mail.

Send File To: My Manuscript

Participate In Design Call
To fully convey your vision for the project before we begin work on your book, you’ll have the opportunity to speak directly with your book’s design team. During an in-depth conference call you can verify all information about your book, select a book size and discuss ideas for your custom color cover and interior layout.

Review Your Book Cover and Design
Your design team will complete the layout of your book and send a galley proof of the cover and interior for your review. As soon as you return the galley to us, we'll make any revisions you request and, if necessary, send you another galley.

Approve Your Cover and Galley
When the layout of your book is complete, you can approve your cover and interior galley. Before your book is sent to the printer, you’ll choose your royalty percentage and set the selling price for your book.

Join the many self-published authors who have trusted WC Publishing to be their publisher. Start by requesting Publishing 101 News e-letter, a comprehensive guide to our services for publishing, promoting and selling your book.
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Contact Us

Email us: Brooke Brown

1959 N. Peacehaven Rd., #275
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106

Office:336.794.4023 ◊ Fax:336.794.4025


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